About Worldwide Christian Scuba Divers Organization
Here at the WCSDO we are divers too! What makes us different is our proactive effort for mission work. Our dive trips will give you a unique and life changing experience. Whether you are a snorkeler or a diver with thousands of dives under your belt, our organization welcomes all of you. We strive to keep you excited and motivated.

Our members are a diverse group of people from different backgrounds, churches, beliefs and world views. What makes this so amazing is that we all are here to bring love and care to places we plan our dive trips. The WCSDO works fully on a volunteer basis. It is a non-profit organization and all our donations go towards our mission projects.
The WCSDO was founded in 2009 by Jim Mustoe from Pennsylvania. He was inspired to write an analogy between Jesus and God and the Regulator and Air Tank. The message “Jesus is the Regulator of my Life” was created and has been the foundation of our vision since. We invested our energies and resources to recruit members in the US and all over the world. With their support we want to worship God under the water and through mission work.
Why become a member of the W.C.S.D.O. ?
- Get a new experience on every dive trip
- Bring a greater purpose to your diving
- Build life lasting relationships with other divers
- Be hungry for mission work
WCSDO Core Values
We believe in one God, the Creator of the universe, Jesus Christ, the Son of God and our Savior, and The Holy Spirit the third person of the Trinity. We place God first in our life, continuously seeking His righteousness and totally relying on Him. The Bible is the Word of God and it is our “core” book we use to teach and read about God. We believe that Jesus is the only way to God and Eternal Life. We seek to do God’s will and do what is right in God’s eyes because we desire to strengthen our relationship with HIM and to provide this unconditional Godly love to others. “I agree and support the WCSDO mission statement and core values.